Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bye, Byes

Another dreaded deployment.  Need I say more?  Dan left a little over a week ago for 4 weeks of training and then is headed straight down range until mid October.  During his first deployment, we were apart just over 6 months, this time will be about 7.5 months.  I think that’s one the hardest parts for me, realizing how long it’s going to be. 

This was a picture when Dan got home from his last deployment


He didn’t tell me that he was coming home, I walked in the door from work one day and there he was..on one knee with a proposal. Totally shocked me. Best surprise ever!  Before he left this time, I asked him, “Can you please tell me when you are coming home this time?”  He of course said yes.  I have to say though, it was nice not worrying about him making it back, finding out that he was delayed…all the things that happen as they are on their way back.  It was nice just walking in one day, not expecting him and him being there.

Here’s to hoping that Dan stays safe while deployed and that the time flies for us both.  I will miss him like crazy.


  1. Hang in there! I'm right there with you, we just hit 3 months in a 12-month deployment. Time seems to be flying by!

    1. Thank you! I can't imagine a year long deployment, seems like you are holding up great though! :)

    2. Every once in awhile I have a poor pregnant me moment but otherwise I'm doing fact I think being pregnant and preparing for a baby is keeping me occupied and sane!
