Wednesday, February 08, 2012

3 months?

I guess it’s been 3 months since I have written a blog….oops.  Things have been pretty busy with working and unfortunately, I ‘m on the computer all day at work, so that’s last thing I want to do when I get home is spend a lot of time on the computer.

Dan and I had a great Christmas and New Year, nothing too exciting, but we at least got to spend it together, which was nice.  He’s been taking some more classes for his Masters Degree, so he’s been busy with that for the last few months, I believe he only has 2 more classes left!

Dan is going to be deployed, he leaves for training in less than 30 days for 6 weeks, then goes straight to his deployment, so he won’t be back until Oct sometime. I’m not looking forward to it, but he wants to go and has wanted to go since we have been here, so I am glad that he gets to go.  He deployed once before, we were living in South Dakota at the time, he went Nov-May, missed all the major Holidays, our birthdays, anniversary…just about everything.  I am sad that he will miss the last summer we have in Italy though, as we are supposed to PCS in April 2013.  We have some visitors lined up for when he gets back and have some traveling we want to do as well, so hopefully we will have enough time for it all. 

I will try my best to be better at blogging, just not too much besides working going on at the moment. 

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. There you are! Sorry he has to deploy :( Hope to see more blogs from you :)

  2. Sorry to hear he is deploying, it's just something they all want to do! I am sure you will keep busy as you do when he is here. Enjoy your last (possible) summer in Italy and try and take a few girls trips!
