Monday, October 31, 2011

Long time no see

Sorry for the disappearing act, I feel I have been so busy since I started working. I really need to get better at this blogging thing.

Things that I need to write about:

Our trip to Croatia over the summer

Day trip to Bolzano

Pumpkin Festival


Those are the main things that have been happening over the last few months. Nothing too much going on, but we are trying to get better about our long weekends and traveling, since I am working now too.  This next 3 day weekend coming up in November we are going to go spend the time in Tuscany. We loved Tuscany when my parents came and visited, we are looking forward to going back, but this time seeing different places. 

I will post things throughout the week, I hope to keep caught up with this blog a little better.


  1. I'm excited to hear about the Pumpkin Festival! I miss fall! Have a lovely time in Tuscany!

  2. Check out Laura's blog for her posts on their time in Tuscany. They just got back and I guess have been there 5-6 times. She mentions quite a few towns in her blog posts.
